Positively Sharing

Stats About HIV/AIDS In The Black Community Show Why Breaking Stigma Is So Important, According To Actor & Activist Jay Ellis

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Tamir Kalifa/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Tamir Kalifa/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Getting tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is, thankfully, no longer as stigmatized as it once was. Think of that 2012 Girls episode, where Jessa proudly claims that “all adventurous women” have human papillomavirus (HPV), an STI that can lead to cervical cancer. Though the rate is more like 80 percent of sexually active people, statistics show that overall STI testing is up, thanks to initiatives like awareness campaigns. But one STI still does not have the stigma-busting one liners, the public awareness, or — crucially — the testing rates.  Read More

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