Positively Sharing

Eradicating HIV in Black Communities Requires Systemic Change

Reading Time: < 1 minute

[Photo: Two posters advocating for PrEP showing black women of different size and ability.]

Any plan to halt the spread of HIV and AIDS must include culturally-informed interventions that meet the range of needs, desires, and interests of Black women of different age groups, ethnicities, regions, and cultural contexts.

Any plan to halt the spread of HIV and AIDS must include culturally-informed interventions that meet the range of needs, desires, and interests of Black women of different age groups, ethnicities, regions, and cultural contexts.


It is not news that recent HIV biomedical interventions in the United States, such as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), primarily center the needs of white gay men.

The lack of outreach about PrEP to communities of color, coupled with initial messaging that primarily emphasized white gay men, has resulted in minimal awareness among people of color, especially women. Read More

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