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AIDS Council: New infections among youths aged 15 and 24 worrying

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Condoms being distributed to Kilifi boda boda riders and matatu touts during the International Condom Day celebratiosn outside Pwani University on Wednesday February 13, 2019. /ALPHONCE GARICondoms being distributed to Kilifi boda boda riders and matatu touts during the International Condom Day celebratiosn outside Pwani University on Wednesday February 13, 2019. /ALPHONCE GARI

Youths aged 15 to 24 years are the ones contributing to the highest to new HIV/AIDS infections, the National Aids Control Council has said.

The NACC said out of the 52,000 deaths caused by HIV/AIDS in 2017, 17,000 were youths.

The council’s deputy director John Kimigwi said the teenage pregnancies reported in Kilifi five months ago have increased to 17,850 from 13,000.

He said this number is alarming and contributes to the spread of HIV and AIDS in the county that is ranked among those with high poverty levels.  Read More

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