Around 57pc of people surveyed in Norwich admitted they have never been tested for an STI. Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto/belchonock
Norwich is among the list of cities that are the worst at getting sexually transmitted infection (STI) checks, according to survey figures. Some 57pc of people who took part in a Censuswide survey, commissioned by Medicine Direct, admitted they have never had an STI test, making Norwich the 11th worst city for sexual health checks in the country. Read More
Reading Time: < 1 minute Donald Trump’s 27-year-old press secretary announced the US was halting shipments of condoms to Gaza during her first new-look White House briefing. Read…
Reading Time: < 1 minute They are the third most commonly used form of contraception in the UK, behind the Pill and the hormonal implant, official data…
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