Positively Sharing

Modeling the Effects of Morphine-Altered Virus Specific Antibody Responses on HIV/SIV Dynamics

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Figure 1

Schematics diagram of the model. Uninfected CD4+ T cells: Tl (target cells with lower susceptibility to infection) and Th (target cells with higher susceptibility to infection); infected cells: I; free virus: V; virus-specific antibody responses: A; target cells generation rate: λ; death rate of uninfected cells: d; infection rates: βl and βh; infected cells death rate: δ; virus production rate: p; virus clearance rate: c; transition rates: r and q from Tl to Th and Th to Tl, respectively; efficacy of virus neutralization: εA; enhanced virus clearance rate: σA(t); and destruction of infected cells rate: γA(t).


Drugs of abuse, such as opiates, have been widely associated with enhancing HIV replication, accelerating disease progression and diminishing host-immune responses, thereby making it harder to effectively manage HIV infection. Read More

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