Positively Sharing

Exhibition offers a personal and singular thirty-year record of an activist artist living with HIV

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Habit, 2001. Video still 52:23 mins. © Gregg Bordowitz. Courtesy of Video Data Bank, www.vdb.org. School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

CHICAGO, IL.- From April 4 to July 14, 2019, the Art Institute of Chicago presents Gregg Bordowitz: I Wanna Be Well, a personal and singular thirty-year record of an activist artist living with HIV for more than half of his adult life. Bordowitz began his art practice in the late 1980s in the service of direct advocacy, responding to government inaction toward the AIDS public health crisis. I Wanna Be Well ties together the scope of that interwoven practice: site-specific installation, sculpture, poetry, drawing, performance, ephemera, and the video-making for which he is renowned. Read More

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