Our creator spoke heaven and earth into existence but got His hands dirty to form you from dust. The Father of all creation made you fearfully and wonderfully (Ps 139.14) and in His image and likeness (Gen 1:27). His breathe, which He put in you, sets you apart from all the other things that He created. You are the pinnacle of His creation.
He crafted and wired you in a way that will help you fulfill your God-given purpose: He deposited gifts, talents, passions and abilities in you which you need to identify as knowing them will help you determine how they fit into His overall plan for your life so you can use them effectively.
All things were created by God and for Him (Colossians 1:16). All things include you. We know that God loves all His creation deeply. You are one of His unique and special creations, created different and known intimately by Him for a unique and personal relationship and a unique purpose!
What a serious revelation it is to know and be reminded again that we carry THE DIVINE NATURE of GOD. Thanks.
I love the aspect that God has created each individual uniquely in this way the existance of individuals with different skills, talents comes into place..Thank you for reminding me that I can utilize the gifts given to me by God for a greater purpose
A men. We were created beautifully for his purpose. Great reminder 🙏🙏
Brief and yet, powerful. If God pulled up his sleeves, and went further to breathe into me, I MUST be special, indeed the pinnacle of creation. Even before blessing Him as Saviour, I must take myself more seriously by virtue of the manner in which I was created.
This is another reminder that we are created in the image of God who is the creator of everything and nothing is impossible to him and if so we are equipped with different skills and talents to help us overcome whatever challenge we face.
it is too simplistic . Yet, it’s our faith. We don’t question faith. Else, we lose our very essence of being and spirituality .
God got His hands dirty to form me. I must have been so important to Him that he actually decided to make me himself as the pinnacle of creation. He made me unique that I may make a difference… How so often I forget all these when I complain! “Lord please help me always see myself as you see me and help me each day fulfill the purpose for which you made me.”
Amen! Powerful prayer.
This is so true and profound. God created us with a purpose and a destiny with each of our days documented in his. It is time to start living out the days of our lives fulfilling our divine destiny.
Oh yes and Amen. We become co-creator with Christ once we discover the power of God at work in our lives as His image bearers to participate in reconciling the world to God. So true each of us are made to a difference. Glory🙌🏾
Wow. What a beautiful and powerful piece 🙏🏽
A unique creation, created for a unique purpose – made to make a difference! Lord, help us to make that difference everyday and in every way.
Nice piece of thought. It reminds me of this excerpt of Max Ehrmann 1927 poem ( Desiderata): ” if you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter for, there always will be lesser or greater persons than yourself”