60-second motivator

Walking with the wise?

1 Mins read
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Do you know that who you surround yourself with affects who you become? The friends that you spend most of your time with determine how you think, act and, ultimately, you adopt their attitude to life.  What kind of person are you becoming because of the people you spend time with?
List the five people you spend most of your time with. Now, ask yourself, do they bring you joy or sorrow? Is their influence negative or positive? Are they pushing you towards or away from your purpose?  Is your relationship with them hurting or helping you? In short, are they adding value to your life? Are they helping you draw closer to God? Your relationship with these five people impacts your life emotional, financial and/or spiritual.
Which relationships do you need to deepen and which friends do you have save yourself from?  Whose telephone call is positive, purposeful, productive and profitable and whose should not be taken?
 It is important that you align yourself with people who will encourage you to excel, contribute to your personal growth and push you to fulfil your purpose. It is crucial that you hang out with only quality people and avoid toxic, negative and energy-draining people.
Who do you hang out with?

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