60-second motivator

Your God-given identity and your purpose

1 Mins read
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Your identity- who you are- is God-given. Therefore, you should see yourself how God sees you – His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works (Ephesians 2:10). His view of you should impact how you see yourself, what you believe about yourself and influence the way you live. There is power in knowing and understanding what your real identity is and, also, in recognizing whose you are. You are God’s child, created in His image and His breath gives you life.

 Your God-given identity is directly linked to your God-given purpose (why you were created) and understanding the link between both is crucial.  Your identity includes your gifts, talents, abilities, passions, education etc. all of which will help you successfully fulfil your purpose.

Regardless of the doubts you may experience, no matter what you see, hear or  think, what people say, where you are, your current  circumstances or what happened in the past, you were created by a mighty and powerful God for a specific and unique purpose and you must remain in Him to live your purpose.  

Are you a branch abiding in the Vine? Are you being pruned by the Vinedresser? Are you living a life of purpose?

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