60-second motivator

Reign! Wield sovereign power and royal authority

1 Mins read
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Never lose sight of the fact that, as you are hidden in Christ, you have been raised and are now seated with Him in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:4-6) from where you reign over everything including negative circumstances.  Jesus ruled, reigned and exercised dominion over everything (wind, death, loaves of bread and fish, sickness, principalities, powers etc.). As you are hidden in Him, you have been empowered and expected to operate in that same power of dominion.

With Christ’s throne established in your heart, you have the power to break sin’s dominion over you and to keep your emotions in check. You possess the royal authority to speak faith-filled words to your circumstances, to bind and loose.  Are you in charge and taking control when you need to?

You must always see yourself the way God sees you: reigning in life as a king. He has given you authority over everything, exercise it!  Remember, your new life in Christ comes with spiritual benefits that change your past, present and future. Not only are your past sins forgiven as you have received the overflow of grace and righteousness, you also reign in life through Christ (Romans 5: 17). Burn this truth into your soul.


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