60-second motivator

Connect through His creation!

1 Mins read
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Creation is undoubtedly captivating! But do you see God in it and appreciate His mercy, wisdom, love and grace it reveals to you?  Remember, He expects you, as a responsible steward, to protect, care for (Genesis 2:15) and not neglect or abuse His work.

Creation is a wonderful gift that helps you to connect with God.  How often do you intentionally go out to breathe in God’s goodness or take a prayer walk to drink in and embrace His glory expressed in nature? When was the last time you watched flowers bloom or stood still to marvel at the sunrise and/or sunset? Making time to enjoy the beauty of His creation helps you develop and experience a deep connection with Him.

Connect using your knowledge of the Scriptures: lift up your eyes to the hills, listen attentively for His voice in the cool of the day, meditate, appreciate Him as He leads you beside the still waters, go up to the mountains or retire to the wilderness to pray.

Amid hurt and pain, the hustle and bustle of life, find a glimpse of joy and appreciate His qualities displayed in creation. Rejoice and thank the Father of Creation for creating you with the ability to commune with Him in such a special way.

Where/how do you encounter God through His creation?

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