Positively Sharing

What’s your story?

Reading Time: < 1 minute

What’s your story?

Do you know that you can use your story to demonstrate God’s love? Could it be time to honour Him by sharing it and showing the world He reigns in you? Or, would you prefer to win souls, even one soul, by talking about that memorable experience? Remember, angels rejoice over the repentance of one sinner (Luke 15:10).

Overwhelming as what you have experienced may seem or sound, you are still called to love others. Clearly, there are so many creative ways you can do this. Jesus wants to use your story to draw people closer to Him in ways you never imagined. Just share how responding to His amazing love has helped you to cope with the struggles linked to a specific condition or situation and watch how your compassion and concern draws others to God.  As you recall and recount His goodness and love, as you surrender yourself to be used as a vessel of honour, you build the faith of others and, at the same time, strengthen yours.

The journey may not have been easy but He did not bring you this far to leave you. He wants to use you; He wants to hear you share your experience of Him with others. What are you waiting for? How do you plan to proclaim Him?

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