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You CANNOT allow your past to define who you are and, also, should not allow your present to be dictated or controlled by your past. I know that you want to fully accomplish everything that God has lined up for your life and live the abundant life Christ came to give believers. Therefore, it is time to completely let go of that pain linked to your past and embrace the future that He has so graciously prepared for you.
What is that one thing you believe has caused the greatest damage in your life? The only way to move past it is to identify it and deal with it. Face it squarely today and stop it from growing and manifesting itself in your relationships, career and plans. Yes, address that issue now!
Past experiences have a way of manifesting themselves in harmful ways that may thwart God’s wonderful plan for your life. It is time to tackle that one thing that is holding you back.
Your mistakes, failures and bad choices have been forgiven, He remembers them no more! Your past is past! It is time to fully let go of it, to move on and accomplish God’s plan for your life.
It takes effort to move on from the past especially when you have been scared by it. However for the health of the future you must brace yourself to let go and treat every scar as a lesson. I let go because I know my past is not my future. I let go because I need to focus on the today and now that I may get the best tomorrow. God holds my tomorrow. Thank you aunty Lola for this!
God is the center of it all.
We need to trust in God always
Having spent close to 63 years on earth and looking at life’s issues through the lens of the Word of GOD, I realise that dwelling on the past is for lack of a better way to describe it, a debilitating disease. Emotional cancer. Like shackles on prisoner’s ankles restricting freedom and progress. You are on point.
Forgive yourself 🤍😊
Vivid memories of past failures, mistakes and trauma can very powerful weapons against the believer; whether wielded by the enemy or by the believer against themself.
The believer cannot successfully overcome this onslaught on their own. Victory is only assured when we avail ourselves to the the resurrection power of God. Paul prayed in Ephesians 1v18 ‘that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms’.
We have been called to a hope of liberty and there is Holy Spirit-enabled power to help us realise that hope through our fellowship with God in all its forms.