Rejoice for He has not only kept you till 2025 but His face continues to shine upon you. Again, I say rejoice for He acts graciously towards you and gives you peace! However, as you rejoice in the Lord, remember to keep your purpose in focus.
You have remembered His good deeds, reflected on the past year and are now ready to start the new year. This is probably a good time to recharge your mind with specific Bible verses so you can start the year energized.
What is the Lord’s purpose for your life this year? Do your priorities and values align with His plan for you in 2025? Is this not a good time to refocus, get back on track so you can concentrate on what is truly important? Refocusing will surely help you align your actions this year with God’s purpose for your life. This will also ensure you experience a fulfilling year.
As you step into January, rejoice and be glad! Ask God to help you see and appreciate what there is to rejoice in; recharge by meditating on His word and refocus so your actions align with your deeper purpose.
Have a blessed, prosperous, joyful and spiritually fulfilling 2025.
Happy new year 2025
May His Face shine upon us all
Thank you Lord for the gift of life
and the blessings of health, family and friends 

Bless this year and walk with us all year long, amen