60-second motivator

Describing God’s love

1 Mins read
Reading Time: 2 minutes

If I were to ask you to describe God’s love with two adjectives, what would they be?

I am simply requesting you search, deep within you, for words to describe the compassionate love of our forgiving God who commands us to love, pray for and bless our enemies and those who persecute, curse or mistreat us (Luke 6: 27- 28).

How would you depict His unique love demonstrated through the substitutionary death of His only son whom He sent to die in our place, His tough love expressed through reproof and discipline (Heb. 12:5) that helps us improve and grow and His steadfast love that never ceases (Lam 3:22).

Can challenges, difficulties, failures, obstacles, trials or tribulations come between us and this amazing love? No! Absolutely nothing can separate us from His boundless love which is deeper than the ocean (Ps 36:5), reaches to the heavens (Ps. 36:5) and is wider than we can imagine.  How would you tell of this limitless love?

As your lifelong journey of unlocking the depth of God’s unfathomable love continues, may He give you the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, long, deep and high His immeasurable love is.

You have, undoubtedly, experienced the transformative power of God’s love and I believe your personal experience will shape the adjectives that you will choose to share with us.

My adjectives are infinite because its length, breadth, depth and height are beyond imagination and exceptional because second to none.

What are your adjectives?




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