This is who you are, one of God’s unique and special creation, carefully crafted but individually and intimately known by Him. As He longs for a loving, unique and personal relationship with you, He made you far superior to animals and gave you a unique status as His only image-bearer. He places His spirit in you which gives you the unique ability to relate to Him through prayer, praise, and worship and to hear Him speak to you.
God also designed you for a unique purpose: He made only one you and the plan He has for you does not look like anybody else’s. You are His unique creation called to a unique purpose.
You may have a look-alike or a doppelganger who may shares some of your physical features and traits, but you are not that person. Your voice, habits or tastes may be like those of some other people, but you are a completely different person: your DNA, fingerprints, footprints, and voiceprints are all different. Remember, even identical twins have different fingerprints.
Have you discovered your unique place, gift and talents in God’s family? Do you know what your unique purpose is and are you fulfilling it?