Reading Time: < 1 minute As the coronavirus rages across America, we would do well to remember the lessons, and victories, of the fight against HIV/Aids. Read…
Reading Time: < 1 minute A testing programme for homeless people in Merseyside during lockdown has led to over 60 people being put on treatment plans for…
Reading Time: < 1 minute UNAIDS and the World Health Organisation (WHO) warned recently that interruptions in health services and supplies during Covid-19 could lead to Read more
Reading Time: < 1 minute The adult industry as a whole has done surprisingly well during, and in many ways thanks to, the coronavirus pandemic. Read More
Reading Time: < 1 minute The number of new patients with the condition doubled in north-west London hospitals during lockdown – sparking fears it is linked to…
Reading Time: < 1 minute Law makers in Bolivia have approved a toxic bleach which has falsely been branded around as a miracle cure as a coronavirus treatment….
Reading Time: < 1 minute As work on a vaccine continues, many are wondering how long immunity lasts for those who have already contracted the coronavirus. Read More