Reading Time: < 1 minute GPs failing to see patients face to face will be named and shamed for the first time, amid concerns that poor access to family doctors…
Reading Time: < 1 minute Disposible vapes pose a danger to children’s health and the environment and should be banned, doctors and charities warned yesterday. Read More
Reading Time: < 1 minute CENTRE for Sexual Health, HIV and Aids Research (CeSHHAR) says more than 57% of female sex workers in the country’s 22 hotspot…
Reading Time: < 1 minute Ahead of World AIDS Day (December 1), National Agency for Control of AIDS (NACA), yesterday, alerted that girls and women in Nigeria…
Reading Time: < 1 minute When Sandy Law went for a heart transplant in 1982, it was a procedure fraught not only with uncertainty but controversy. Read More