60-second motivator

How healthy is your self-image?

1 Mins read
Reading Time: < 1 minute

If you take time to carefully examine the creation story, you will notice that God made a strategic and intentional effort to make you the way that He did for a reason. Therefore, knowing who you are, why and how you were created and understanding your identity is crucial to your walk with Him and His plan for your life.

You are created in God’s image. You are His image-bearer and your self-image comes from Him. This means you have inherent dignity, value and worth. All that, and lots more, comes from God who purposely chose to make you to be like Him. He also gives you His spirit so you can commune with Him. In short, God created a child who, like Him is a spirit, resembles and can enjoy Him.

Therefore, it does not matter what people think or say about you, it does not matter if they do not want to associate with you. You are God’s handiwork created lovingly, intricately and purposefully to fellowship with, resemble and represent Him. Begin to appreciate who you are and partner with Him to fulfil your purpose. Be His proud image-bearer and, as someone approved to be His chosen instrument, use your gifts and abilities for His glory.

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