60-second motivator

Do you know “you”?

1 Mins read
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Who do people think or say you are? More importantly, who do you think and tell people you are?  These questions should be responded to thoughtfully because self-identity plays a significant role in how you behave. If you are struggling with your identity, then self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem become issues that you grapple with.

Do you really know who you are or have you accepted what other people call you and made that your reality? Are you still haunted by those negative labels placed on you by schoolmates, friends, family or society? If yes, then it is time to discard them as they may be preventing you from reaching your potential and fulfilling God’s plan for your life.

It is time to stop worrying about what people think or say about you, wasting time developing a new identity which may involve copying others. You must never lose sight of the fact that you are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). It is such a huge blessing when your eyes are open to your identity, to who God says you are.

Do you really know who God says you are? Knowing your identity in Christ gives you security, stability, satisfaction and significance.  Knowing helps you fulfill God’s plan for your life effectively. Do you really know who you are?”

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