Who do people think or say you are? More importantly, who do you think and tell people you are? These questions should be responded to thoughtfully because self-identity plays a significant role in how you behave. If you are struggling with your identity, then self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem become issues that you grapple with.
Do you really know who you are or have you accepted what other people call you and made that your reality? Are you still haunted by those negative labels placed on you by schoolmates, friends, family or society? If yes, then it is time to discard them as they may be preventing you from reaching your potential and fulfilling God’s plan for your life.
It is time to stop worrying about what people think or say about you, wasting time developing a new identity which may involve copying others. You must never lose sight of the fact that you are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). It is such a huge blessing when your eyes are open to your identity, to who God says you are.
Do you really know who God says you are? Knowing your identity in Christ gives you security, stability, satisfaction and significance. Knowing helps you fulfill God’s plan for your life effectively. Do you really know who you are?”
This is a powerful message. And very impactful as it enables one to search within for answers. Identity is a big a issue. And mostly getting off the labels that have been sticked on us from Society, friends , school mates and family as well.
I believe my identity us rooted in Christ, and I find my worth through him. People can’t define me, it matters what I think about myself as well. Its an ongoing process for me as I used to struggled in the area of identity and finding my worth.
Its been a good journey finding myself and my identity.
Concise and thought-provoking. Thank you!
I believe when one searches for self identity, and start asking who he or she is, that person has an inert identity crisis. Such person should take the message seriously.
Good and thought provoking article. There are a lot of people struggling with their identities and who are still haunted by the past labels and even present ones. This kind of article will definitely uplift and inspire such people. They will be able to come to terms with issues of self worth, self pride etc. Hope to see more inspiring articles.
Good article. Inspires me to see situations with the mind of CHRIST that has been given to me. To see from His perspective. To receive dinner strength. Watching out for further articles.
Identity has been the root cause of many individual, family, national and international crises. It must be taken seriously as many commit go over the cliff taking others with them, due to a superiority or an inferiority complex stemming from an identity issue. God help us to not just sing I KNOW WHO I AM but to believe and live the song.
Without knowing one’s identity, needless to say one can hardly fulfill their God-given destiny. The freedom that comes with knowing who you are, embracing yhatband living a full life. Thank you so much for this very much needed message, especially in these hard (Corona) times!
For anyone battling a crisis of existence or identity,I believe this is quite important to help develop self-confidence.
Great piece. Enlightening and revealing.
It’s definitely worth examining where we get the stories we tell about ourselves to others and the comments we also make about ourselves.
This was a very direct and profound article that is relative and can be applicable to all ages , it’s a light reminder of Gods love and grace and how he sees us as one of his !!
This is really thought-provoking. You may know who you are yet still not accomplished your dreams. Our futures are according to God’s plans.
Question, how to be happy when your hopes and dreams are not according to God’s plans ?
Hmmm, how true! It calls for careful introspection to know who one is, as the world will label in different ways they see you or based on their ignorance. Also, Taking a cue from the answers to the question Jesus asked; “who do men say I am?”, people’s perception of you maybe totally wrong. So we need to know and define ourselves.
Thought provoking… Knowledge, understanding and acceptance of who one is brings freedom. And boost self confidence and to fulfill God’s plan for one’s life… Thank you for this read. Looking forward to today’s!
It is indeed real food for thought, many of us have failed ourselves, we have not achieved our goals in life because we are distracted by focussing on pleasing those around us, ‘killing’ our self-esteem to fit in. These questions have provoked me to do some self-examination and acknowledge the many labels I am carrying and to begin the warfare with myself. Who am I and who do I want to become? We are all created and designed for greatness. Connecting with the true ME will enable me to do my bit for the greater good in the community and for myself and my family. Thank you
Very thought provoking.Identity is really an issue especially when others have stuck a label on one.I believe the paramount thing is what God thinks and makes of us.
I can totally relate because I’ve been on this journey myself and I found myself spiraling down when I thought who I was wasn’t good enough or cool enough for my circle of friends and acquaintances. I had to retrace my steps and find my way back to who God says i am and I haven’t looked back since… Identity crisis is the beginning of depression.
Eye openerand food for thought
Good article, as it reminds us again who we are in Christ Jesus,and once we know that we’ll definitely know God’s purpose in our lives.
I agree with this 100%. Identity is powerful, we are shaped by how we see ourselves. Seeing ourselves how God sees us is an incredibly liberating experience!
Awesome very encouraging thanks Lola
Absolutely true,very encouraging,i can relate.Good article worth sharing!
I love the message.
For me knowing my true Identity is a journey. I am learning and discovering new things about me everyday.
I just believe that my identity is in Christ because I am created in the image of God.
Thank you for sharing a powerful and thoughtful message.
This is one in a million article that people need to read and re-read till it becomes part their lives. I’m glad to know that SELF-IDENTITY is linked to what we eventually become in life. Thanks Lola
This is one in a million article that people need to read and re-read till it becomes part their lives. I’m glad to know that SELF-IDENTITY is linked to what we eventually become in life. Thanks Ololade
Wow! very inspiring! Thanks for sharing ma.
Those whom the Lord For knew he predestined to conform to the image of his son. This will be all humans format for seeking who we are, as long as we are i the light we are able to see what Jehovah made us to be and live it
Very apt and encouraging thanks
Our identity is in Christ. He will tailor our lives to suit the call by using the good, the bad & ugly, so nothing is wasted. No identity crisis. Hallelujah. In HIM we live & move & have our BEING! Acts 17:28
Thank you for the encouragement. Most needed especially in these most unusual times.
This is a great service to humanity. A lot of people need assistance to identify themselves and be what God created them for to be able to add value to humanity…
This is really helpful and to add I’ll say just as it is stupid and abnormal for someone to forget his earthly family involving his biological father mother and siblings, in the same way it is abnormal for someone to forget his spirit family involving God and our siblings involving the heavenly hosts

Glory to God for this piece. We are individuals created by God, packaged in His likeness to fulfill the purpose He created us to be. When we remove our focus from the One who loved, still love, and always will love us; that is when we listen to the world. When we start thinking and wondering if it could be that people were actually right about the label they chose to put on us.
When doubts creep in, the truth becomes a mirage.
The Word of God is ‘Yea and Amen’, His Word does not change neither will the Word return to Him void without accomplishing what He has been sent out to accomplish.
Are we going through issues and thinking we are no longer acceptable to Him? We must remember that He said “Whosoever shall come unto me, I will in no wise cast out”.
Are we beleaguered with issues of day to day living? We must remember that He said “I will never leave you nor forsake you”. We are in safe hands when we are on the Lord’s side.
Let the whole world be shouting there is a casting down, our own testimony shall be and remain that there is a lifting up. The One Who has accepted and adopted us does give when we ask, helps us find when we seek and opens the door for us when we knock.
Have you known Him but wondered far? Like the prodigal son losing your identity please come back home. He’s looking out for you to welcome you back with celebrations. You will accomplish the purpose for which He created you and you will be fulfilled.
Do you know Him and by His Spirit remain in Him? Please remain standing, that you might know Him better still.
Maybe you have not surrender to Him to take charge of your life, you are right on time. Today, right now, is the time of salvation. Ask Him to come into your life and take control. His Spirit will keep you going. Whatever may come our way in life, our identity of who we are in Him shall not change, and we will learn to trust Him more. He will remain the lifter up of your heads.
Knowing our true identity is key in living a meaningful, effective and victorious life. The Scriptures plainly tell us, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2:9). In Genesis 1:27 we read that God created man and woman in His very own image, and Deuteronomy 7:6 further says that, God called us to be His own children. This is our God-given true identity whether one knows it and living up to it or not.
God owns everything. Heaven and earth, gold, silver and all visible or invisible things… He owns them all. If we are His children then we inherit what He possesses. However, if we don’t remain in a Father-child relationship with Him, we simply loose out this right of inheritance. I humbly, urge ourselves to reestablish our personal relationship with God the Father, the Creator of heaven and earth and everything therein. Religion doesn’t save or help anyone, the history shows it but a personal relationship with God does.
Amen, Amen.
Very powerful and thought provoking. I will always come here to learn a thing or two. Kudos for a very well written piece